The Portobello Steam Radio Society

KiwiSDR :Software radio system based on Xilinx Artix-7 …

KiwiSDR is a software-defined radio (SDR)covering shortwave, the longwave & AM broadcast bands, various utilitystations, and amateur radio transmissions, world-wide, in the spectrum from 10kHz to 30 MHz. KiwiSDR is a plug-in software radio board based on the XilinxArtix-7 A35T FPGA , a companion open source hardware used by BeagleBone SBC.

Click here to listen and control it from anywhere in the world.


Sadly the days are over when “listening to your tranny” meant tuning in to the BBC Home Service on your transistor radio for a children’s story from Daphne Oxenford.

Drag Queen Flowjob invited to a Scottish Primary School to explain to 5 year olds the defeat of a proposed Bill (Section 28) which would have, if enacted, prevented his attendance or even his presence within a 50 mile radius of the school. (Next week Rolf Harris will visit their art class to demonstrate Life Drawing.)